Search results

  1. X

    59k banquet sell @$45k

    can send me info at [email protected]?
  2. X

    WTB: 3rd June wedding dinner

    please send details to [email protected]
  3. X

    WTS - Intercontinental Hotel Wedding Dinner 7th May 2017

    is this available? send me details at [email protected]
  4. X

    WTS: Wedding Banquet at Regent Hotel

    hi, can send me more details at [email protected]?
  5. X

    letting go: wedding lunch/dinner at pan pacific 25 tables(minimum)

    please let me know if this is available at [email protected]
  6. X

    wtb: nov 2017 dinner packages

    Can share more with me at 96928908?
  7. X

    WTB : packages for 2017

    urgently looking for one that can host about 25 tables (sat night dinner) If you have let me know asap.
  8. X

    Letting go Holiday Inn Orchard banquet Oct 2017

    Can send me more details at [email protected]? Thanks!
