Search results

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    Any good Geomancer to recommend?

    hi ggmummy how much he charge u for the 5rm?
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    hi all, roughly how much i need to fork out,if jus wan to do the curtain for day & nite in living rm?
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    A guide to selecting yr Hob & Hood?

    hi pringirl, where's poh joo?
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    A guide to selecting yr Hob & Hood?

    hi pringirl, where's poh joo?
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    House Moving (movers) Company - Any recommendation?

    Hi , Have jus used Jimmy b4 CNY, as recommended above. Im quite happy wif the services. Fast & punctual. I really agree with the forum users here that jimmy is responsible & reliable guy. He really take gd care of yr furniture in whole of the moving process. Thks to all forum...
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    Any good Geomancer to recommend?

    hi iced latte, thks for yr info. Does Deng Shifu select good dates for moving hse based on our ba zi? Is it the same price $38? how much does Deng Shifu charge if jus show him the flr plan? Hee me not v rich lei
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    Any good Geomancer to recommend?

    Hi After reading so much posts abt the feng shui tin dum know which feng shui master to engage? For those who have engage feng shui master for their hse, any improvement? or everywk strike 4d?
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    Hi stars Can email me at [email protected] for yr contractor contact? Yr reno is fantastic even my hubb also said is gd!!!
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    Hong Kong : Some Advice Needed!

    Hi San Me jus back frm HK.Yes i'm also in the motherhood forum. Wow come back really v tired...leg n backache! so much walking frm the mrt stairs. hee hee no wonder there everyone so slim. i quite lucky got some kind souls offer me seat. i brought the cereal n also didn't give it to...
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    Hong Kong : Some Advice Needed!

    San ya will b bringing my todd n 6mth old bb there! any prob taking stroller there in HK? can advise did u bring any instant cereal for yr bb since now can take solid food? me will be taking along instant cereal,biscuit for her.did i miss out any since my 1st time travelling wif infant!
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    Hong Kong : Some Advice Needed!

    Hi Fourseasons, I got the info frm tis wk 8Days.How u manage to get liao? Me intended to go after my bb woke up. Dum know still got stock when reach there
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    Hong Kong : Some Advice Needed!

    Thks San! Tis info really helps. Wat is the best time to reach big buddha? Need to spend whole or half day there? any idea how long the journey frm kowloon to chung tung stn? was tinking visting buddha in morning & noon go Times Square. So did u been to Times Square b/4?
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    Hong Kong : Some Advice Needed!

    tis wkend got 2006 Discover HK Year Launch at Plaza Singapura,Atrium,Level 1.can go there get free HK guide at the launch! Did anyone go Lantau Island on yr own? Can advise whether is it x to take cab from kowloon to the island? Approx how much is the fare? or shld i book through their local...
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    Hong Kong : Some Advice Needed!

    Yule Wow dum know nowadays so advance, auntie n uncles know english...hee so knowledgeable. minssy then i won't be so worry abt the communication.worse sign language or tok like one chicken one duck
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    Hong Kong : Some Advice Needed!

    does most pple there know how to speak mandarin? sigh...last time wen there trying to order food at food court some dum really know wat i toking abt luckily my parents wen to my rescue. Did anyone encounter any miscommunication over there?
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    Hong Kong : Some Advice Needed!

    Dear all Thks for the great advise! hopefully got enough time to get there cos will be there for 4 nites.3 in kowloon n other in disney. was planning to go The Peak,lantau island,wishing tree n the famous temple. did u gals know where to get imitations gds at HK selling...
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    Hong Kong : Some Advice Needed!

    Did anyone go to stanley market on their own? wen their seems like abit confusing & ma fan if i take MTR to causeway bay,walk to tang lung st then take bus no.40 there. wonder will i get lost? since frm mtr walk to tang lung st how to recognise their street name? easy to...
