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  1. P

    Bad experience in Taiwan. Never sign up a package with Taiwan exhibitors at Suntec City

    Hi YZ, my AD is also on 1 OCT. I am going to Taipei coming weekend. I only got 2 mths plus for buffer time. Hopefully I can receive my album before my AD. I signed with with Bluebay. But beforehand, they have already told us the additional charges like car rental and etc. So far their service...
  2. P

    A good pushup bra

    I got nubra replica from Gmarket at only less than $10. Pretty good quality. Ladies... can go check out.
  3. P

    BAT EARS SURGERY- MY experience and some advice

    I have a little bat ears too... and did some research on the procedure before but I have never have the courage to do it. I have selected a few preferred doctors... Dr Collin Tham, and Martin Huang from PacHealth, Dr Fong Poh Him from NeuGlow (in terms of pricing and skill). I did the...
  4. P

    Advice on photo shoot to Taiwan

    I got my package at Bluebay... I am flying over this Sat... And photoshoot on Monday. So excited!! Will keep you guys posted when I am back.
