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  1. L

    Where to source for good printer

    Hi, i'm new here and am sourcing for cheap n good printer for inserts. Will be taking cards from T.D as advised but have to source in the printing. Should I print with T.D to afford the inconvenience? but heard it's more ex. Any good n cheap printer to recon?
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    Any Recommendation for Printers?

    Hi Verie, yes,they'll provide me the cards, but not printing. I guesss it's more like printing inserts.
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    Hi-Tech Hotstamping (AMK)

    Hi all, i'm sourcing for printers. Any one have cheap n good printers to recommend? Can show me a sample of your wedding card? [email protected]
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    Any Recommendation for Printers?

    Hi, i'm new to this thread and am sourcing for Printers to print my wedding cards & invites. Any good list of recommendations? can PM me at [email protected]. Hope to hear from you.
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    Peony Jade Resturant

    pauline i tot is the manager of the resturant?
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    Peony Jade Resturant

    Hi SK, got your mail. thanks your schdule beri comprehensive. WOw... $20-$50 huh? *faints man... prepared to lugi a lot le...
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    Peony Jade Resturant

    Hi SK, saw your comments on your detailed schedule. Your AD's over? congrats! Do you mind sharing your schedule and pics with me? [email protected] I'm having my dinner @ PJ too.... heard abt the good service i'm glad => But wondering what's the rate pple give as angbao since...
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    Peony Jade Resturant

    Hi Penjob, OJ, ice, Thank you for your advise. Any tips for a special march-in? i was thinking of having flower girls but dun hav small kids ard me... :s
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    Peony Jade Resturant

    Hi,i'm new to this thread... had signed up with Peony Jade some time back... but only having my AD in Sept. Can i ask for your ideas for march-in? heard that the aisle is not too long... How long is ur March-in? Are you all using projectors? they're charging me if i needa a projector...
  10. L


    Hi, i'm new to this thread. I think all of u are GooD!!! will be having my AD next sep, oso on budget :S so i'm looking for a reasonable-priced and good PG n VG, any good recommendations? Hi Zoeanne, can i also have your contacts as to where to get the cakes @ JB for GDL? (email...
