Hi Furry,
I think Option B is better. Since you are arranging the tea ceremony to be done in church for his family. You can have more time in the morning for your husband and pals to be 'sabo' by your sister....heee (exciting enough?)
Wah....Mehmeh, you are fabulous. Very impressed with the works you put up.
Mehmeh, What did you use to put the flowers together....? Tell me leh..
Wahhh...I'm indeed very impressed.
Let oUr creative juice flow.....!!!!!
Hi Furry,
Glad that I am of help.
11am to solemnise or to reach church? My concern is that the timing is too tight for you. Try to push up the time for the groom to reach your hse. I'm suggesting that he should pick you up at 8.30am (best by 7.30 or 8am)and have tea ceremony straightaway at...
Hi Wendy,
I have send you some information about Yow Siang from Big Day Studio. Wishing you all the best in finding a good one.
Hi Stars,
Yes do keep me updated. In fact the cheapest I found is also $600...hmmm..
Hi Furry,
I am also having church wedding. I have always been coordinator...
Hi eternity,
I like your ideas. Give people time to pen down what they wantto say.
Maybe I will do one first and see how complex is it.
Actually I am very excited...abt doing all these than wedding itself
Dear Dreamzz
Thanks for sharing. Like you, I was thinking of stopping my visit for 1 month. Would let you know if I'm doing that. When I was having my period and has to sopped going for 1 week. I am able to lose 3 kg or so on diet alone...sigh see how, lah.
Hi KrisJon, there is one at Joo Chiat, just beside Joo Chiat CC. You can contact them at 63465595 and checked out other branch.
Dreamzz, do you think without acupuncture and just stick to the diet will lose weight too?
Let's share
Dear Su-AN and Katgirk,
Thanks for infos. Very helpful indeed. I amactually thinking should I have guestbook becos sometimes people just write becos they need to write. Do you think pple will be offended if I asked them to wriet their well-wishes on a card attached to a ballon, afterwhich me...
I like doing art and craft and was thinking of making my own invitation cards. But I'm not that ambitious to do my own envelopes too... Does anyone know where can we find a good printer is there a place that help with envelopes-making....? How long do you think we need to make our own cards...
Hi, Was going around Spotlight yesterday and saw a dressmaking book on gown making? Was wondering does anyone know a tailor that can make good gown besides those we see in the boutique. I am curious. I am also thinking of making my own ring pillow and guestbook. Thought that this will be very...
Hi all,
I'm new on this thread. My AD is on 8/10/2005. Will be having solemnisation in church and dinner at Grand Copthorne. The rest...I am still sourcing.
Hi syt,
Do give us feedback about your caterer after your BIG DAY. Is Lavish catering,rite? I am thinking of using them too.
Hi Angela,
Thanks for your email. I have received.
Hi Furry,
I am interested in the package for full day videography n photography with animation. Please send me an email about the package at [email protected] - thanks
Hi Alan,
Thanks. You are right. I think I will stick to my 3 meals a day thingy.
My ideal weight is 55kg. I guess from there you will know how much I weight. Remember I told you I need to lose another 40 to 50 kg...
I think you are asking me not Flyn. I think...