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  1. K

    Printing time...

    Oh no.. didn't know that the printing takes so long, my wedding in March 13 and i have not send my cards for printing
  2. K

    Feel unwell after drinking coffee

    When i don't drink coffee, i will have headache... similar to migraine where i feel dizzy, pain and nauseated. Withdrawal symtoms due to excessive drinking of kopi?
  3. K


    Hi WinnieRabbit $1088 per pax?... sois it full boarding (All meals and entrance fees etc)? Where will you be visiting? I am interested to go Korea too.
  4. K

    Karcher, Dyson or Osim Mermaid vaccuum cleaner?

    Hi all I am also tired of the dust bag. A few months ago,a lady doing door to door sales tried to sell us a vacuum cleaner costing $3k. I think the brand is something like Delphine. Her demonstration was convincing but the price is pretty steep and never heard of the brand. What do you really...
  5. K

    (2004) Brides of year 2004

    Hi My wedding date is on 13 Mar 2004. Also in Marina Mandarin (read in one of the above msg that Doris is also having hers in 13 Mar in Marina Mandarin)....
