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  1. J

    Solomnise @ home

    I'm also having my ROM at home. Can anyone share wif me ur ROM decor. My email is [email protected]. Thks!
  2. J

    Advice : Things to look out for when choosing bridal package

    Hi Jiahui can you send me ur package details? planning to look ard for bridal packages soon. My email addr is [email protected].. Thks! =)
  3. J

    Fengshui Master

    Hi Sherry I'm going to collect my hse keys next mth so should be sourcing for an ID soon. i quite like byran wong's designs on the home decor show so thinking of going to his company. Can i have his company name and tel no if u happen to have it? My email address is [email protected]...
  4. J

    $20k for Jurong West Executive possible?

    wah 15-20 of them in one flat ah.. tat is really very terrible.. the flat is so small and squeeze so many of them inside.. hmm really cannot imagine..
  5. J

    $20k for Jurong West Executive possible?

    lavender, hehe i guess u r rite.. our area is not so bad le.. at least now they dun sit ard everywhere.. but some as u i also hope they will change their mind of having another dorm..
  6. J

    $20k for Jurong West Executive possible?

    hehe fallingflakes u r rite.. they dun cause so much trouble now liao.. now most of the time they r gathered ard the coffee shop area.. when i go to my sis's hse, i always see them there.. hehe and my sis's block there got this old man always beat them one so they dun dare to go there liao...
  7. J

    $20k for Jurong West Executive possible?

    devila mun, then i think i noe which ones le.. it has been there i think when my sis moves in few yrs ago.. they always gather in groups at my sis's block.. but when the police starts patrolling ard tat area then no more le.. hehe.. that area was on the news a few times abt these foreign workers..
  8. J

    $20k for Jurong West Executive possible?

    oh those domitories r new ones? din notice it.. but r they going to build another one? hmm the flats price is going up ah.. hehe lucky we bought ours in jan..
  9. J

    $20k for Jurong West Executive possible?

    hehe yeah.. but if the gov really build a foreign domitory opp our blks, then it will be a disaster.. ppl won't want to buy our flats if we want to sell one day.. sigh really hope they will consider properly.. my sis, who is staying at blk 653B, the moment she heard abt it, she say she wants to...
  10. J

    $20k for Jurong West Executive possible?

    hehe yeah.. but at least now we got a flat tat we can say it's our own.. it's something good also.. hehe..
  11. J

    $20k for Jurong West Executive possible?

    yeah loh tat's y we dun want to collect the key first since we r not moving in yet.. if not got to start paying all these fees.. sigh...
  12. J

    $20k for Jurong West Executive possible?

    hmm gov really noe how to suck money.. poor us.. got to work like mad to pay all this fees..
  13. J

    $20k for Jurong West Executive possible?

    hi fallingflakes, we intend to collect the keys in march coz my bf will only completed his studies in end feb.. hehe sounds a bit long hor.. hehe.. hehe i like high floors also.. but me and my bf calculated the estimated amt of cpf we got to contribute.. hehe abit siong so we decide to get...
  14. J

    $20k for Jurong West Executive possible?

    hi cynthia i have emailed u.. =)
  15. J

    $20k for Jurong West Executive possible?

    hi cynthia! mine is level 7. wat's urs? hehe if u dun mind telling me.. =)
  16. J

    $20k for Jurong West Executive possible?

    Hi Ladies! Me and my bf got our flat at 656D.. Hehe have been reading this thread for a few days and can see that there are a few of u who will be my future neighbours.. =) my unit is at the middle level. Wondering who will be nearer to me.. hehe.. hmm supposed to collect my keys today...
