Search results

  1. L

    Looking for Bridemaid on 15 May 2010

    Hi, Need 2 or 3 bridemaid/sister urgently on my weddng as most of frens are unable to make it that day. Pls email me at [email protected] if you are keen. Ang bao shall be given. thanks
  2. L

    JP - Dr Phua Tan Tee

    Hi, can i have Dr Phua email add or contact no? Pls email me at [email protected]
  3. L

    MC required!!

    Hi, I am currently seeking for an English MC. Please email me at [email protected]
  4. L

    MC required!!

    Hi, I am currently seeking for anMC. Please email me at [email protected]
  5. L

    Justice of Peace-Prof Yu Shi Ming

    Hihi I'm looking for a JP too. Can anyone email me prof Yu's contact pls? Tks! [email protected]
  6. L

    "The Gift" and " Growing old with you"

    Hi, can anyone send this song to [email protected] Thanks!
  7. L

    Wedding Contract/ Marriage Commandments?

    hi, can i have a copy too? thanks [email protected]
  8. L

    "The Gift" and " Growing old with you"

    Hi, Can anyone send me 'Growing old with you' song to me at [email protected] thanks
  9. L

    From This Moment full version with vow at the beginning

    can anyone email me at [email protected] Prefect moment - Mary Griffin From this moment- Shania Twain thanks
