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  1. R

    Cashline-type recommendations?

    Actually we did try that too, coz it's just less hassle and not so much pressure. But she's quite the quiet/ not much friends type so that's why hard to even find 10 people. Maybe can find 3 to help but won't be enough to raise $1,500-$2,000... Will keep trying tho...
  2. R

    Cashline-type recommendations?

    I'm not offended. But she needs the money for a health reasons and I can't let her not go for the surgery - her life depends on it and it has to be done mid Jan. My first option was to turn to her friends or family but that's all exhausted liao. I know I don't have the ability to help her...
  3. R

    Cashline-type recommendations?

    Oops sorry, yes she earned about $22K - $23K for year of assessment 2010. Previous year earnings $18K. We tried asking from friends and relatives but really cannot leh... Which are some legal money lenders apart from banks? I called that maxcredit coz their website states that she needs...
  4. R

    Cashline-type recommendations?

    Just found out why liao. Altho she earned more than $2K last year, the previous year she earned a bit less than that. Which means she won't qualify for any of the ones with the banks which requires min $20K income per annum. Anyone got feedback about this -
  5. R

    Cashline-type recommendations?

    Don't have credit card... Anyway she got turned down by UOB today - no reasons given even though she met all the requirements, some more no credit history since no credit card. She hasn't applied for POSB but they told her self-employed minimum income needs to be $40K! But it's not written...
  6. R

    Cashline-type recommendations?

    powder - do you mind sharing what those sources are?
  7. R

    Cashline-type recommendations?

    I understand but I can't bear to leave her with no help... so all I can do is help her research some options lor... I'm doing ok lah, it's just I got a lot of financial commitments now otherwise I'll definitely help.
  8. R

    Cashline-type recommendations?

    I really wish we could but we've exhausted all options... sigh...
  9. R

    Cashline-type recommendations?

    So far I looked at all the banks. Seems DBS/POSB has the lowest interest rate at 19% p.a. but takes 2-3 weeks to process (!) because she is self-employed. UOB's rate is 20.95% p.a. but they have a 90 min processing if you go down. Otherwise typically it's 10-14 working days. Stanchart's...
  10. R

    Cashline-type recommendations?

    Hi doll This is for a relative of mine actually. She doesn't have any credit card debts... coz she never had any credit card coz her salary is too low. No company medical benefits coz she does odd jobs (self-employed). Insurance, all that she doesn't have also. I can't afford to lend her...
  11. R

    Cashline-type recommendations?

    Hi, Can anyone recommend like a good cashline type of service? Something with low interest rate. I need a loan of about $1500-$2000 to cover me for something urgent (health-related) in Jan - which means I need to receive that cash by around first week of Jan. Would it be too late to...
  12. R

    Let's Play A Game

    I will give up being a perfectionist!
  13. R

    Anybody interested in Pattisier cake baking?

    I would love to attend this! But if it's $500 per lesson, way way way too ex lah. :-( per person or per grp of 6? Latter is of coz okay. Former... can't afford it.
  14. R

    Which One Do You Prefer (meant for ladies)

    bedokboy - haha, meaning my gaydar is strong enough to mostly ascertain whether he is gay. If he is not, then there's a chance for us to be together. But if he is gay, then we can be shopping buddies. No loss either way. Muahaha!
  15. R

    Which One Do You Prefer (meant for ladies)

    Biangz... ok I choose the gay one. Because my gaydar is strong enough, hahaha. And once my feelings are more certain, he and I can still go shopping together. Hahaha!
  16. R

    Which One Do You Prefer (meant for ladies)

    Want to know if someone is married - can just check ROM records mah. BTW, there are A LOT of gay men who are married to straight women and have kids with them. My gaydar is quite strong so if I suspect he is gay, most likely... he should be lah. Then we can hang out and be best buds. Hahaha.
  17. R

    Hotel Fort Canning

    Hi, posting on behalf of a friend. Open date Legends at Fort Canning. She signed during the show so plenty of good perks. Transfer price (originally at $6K) negotiable. Reason for letting go: have to postpone but cannot fix a date at this point. If interested, please email...
  18. R

    Rubber or Pills or ???

    Honestly, we've tried with and without (currently using condoms though) and we feel better without it. I guess it differs from couple to couple. The stopping a minute to put it on vs just going ...straight to the action, makes a difference to us. But I guess no choice lah, we have to use it...
  19. R

    Things you hear/see in MRT

    susanna_low - LOLLL!!! Suspect that guy is Chris... woah u really know to link...
  20. R

    Rubber or Pills or ???

    Hi doll, Actually a lot of people don't know what they are going through are withdrawal symptoms. They think they're going through bouts of depression, eat too much salt (hair loss), getting older (drop in sex drive, weight gain), etc - precisely because most GPs are not educated in how...
