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  1. A

    Kebaya tailor shop to recommend?

    MY!! Bride!! Your kebaya is so lovely!! I love your top... so vibrant!! Yah looks like lime green goes well with it... Sorry your kerosang abit small to see the details, but i'm sure it must be very nice since you love it... I think your sarong abit short actually... yoru top looks ok. Or is...
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    Kebaya tailor shop to recommend?

    thanks for your info bride. Think wed or fri go katong see see and do alittle shopping
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    Kebaya tailor shop to recommend?

    oh yah wanna ask you ladies, beside kim choo's and arab st, where else got sell sarong nice materials to make the sarong part?
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    Kebaya tailor shop to recommend?

    bear your kebaya so pretty... hot fuschia!! sexy... Thanks bride & secret for explaining... heehee but still dun get it... i tot the usual batik top that goes with usual black pants is call lok chuan... geez my nyonya understanding so lousy... *shame shame* actually bear, most of you...
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    Kebaya tailor shop to recommend?

    btw bear i'm curious how your kebaya looks like... can share with me?
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    Kebaya tailor shop to recommend?

    Bear, then u must have got the superstar of the night treatment!! well, afterall u should be... it's your night!! i hope when its my turn i would be a superstar of my night... LOL
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    Kebaya tailor shop to recommend?

    btw, please educate me... coz i doubt i'm even a half-past-six!! a baju lok chuan is the batik top or the cina top?
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    Kebaya tailor shop to recommend?

    Morning ladies Thanks for the support jess... but after much tot I think I should go to change it more traditional... somehow i felt uneasy and not comfy after leaving my bridal shop even though I have full confidence in my designer... hahaha and i'm very "touched" by mr & mrs' red...
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    Kebaya tailor shop to recommend?

    eh sorry i meant PS not PH... sorry
  10. A

    Kebaya tailor shop to recommend?

    Hi ladies I'm new to this thread... Jess invite me in here from other thread... Please excuse my ignorance for our culture... I'm a 1/2 (I always tot I'm a 1/4, turns out i'm wrong... LOL) peranakan... But traditions kinda lost since my granddad died... so still figuring my legacy (my FH...
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    Any Baba (Peranakan) Here?

    Thanks Jess see you in there Hi Crystal, its ok... we decided to use one of sarong cloth that my granny gave me quite a few long long ago, and tailor as my sarong...
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    Any Baba (Peranakan) Here?

    hi ladies... anyone know where to do a nice kebaya for brides to wear? thinking of wearing it for my tea ceremony. i'm a 1/4 nonya... but my family so modern liao that alot of our traditions lost.. sigh feel so sad about it... oh pink can you share your photos with me too? my email...
  13. A

    Who got the Marriage Budget Spreadsheet?

    hi brightstar i would love to have a copy please [email protected]
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    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    Welcome Lim... Saro: yes... it meant princess ice in jap i was nicked ice since pri school... and princess by my HB and girlfrens hm... wah i have no idea so many 2nd dec BTBs... but we can share all pain and joy together and ideas... MM seems hot venue too... is MM that good? Had...
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    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    Oh... no He's more than happy to pay for those extra tables... only we both wanted to make our parents happy and make ourselves happy... so we din wan him to pay.... but he keep on adding... i got fraustrated becoz i only wanted a lavish fare with simple attendence... I just hope to do away with...
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    Who got the Marriage Budget Spreadsheet?

    that was quick... Thank you so much!!!
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    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    elchwong I totally understand how u feel here... my dad is a bizman... so the other having family dinner... suddenly named a list of people i dunno who (i suppose biz associates and frens ba) and my list grew this big!! have to book hotel lah... biz man all value face value very high...
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    Who got the Marriage Budget Spreadsheet?

    opps sorry forgot to add... [email protected] thanks snowbell42
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    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    Hi Junie, Jaslyn & Agnes... Thanks for the Welcome Got my date begining of Jan... its on the 2nd Dec... heard its pretty auspicous date and its hot... wanted 4 season & regent... but both taken. Regent sent me email say got, before i can response they sent me say sorry taken... i have...
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    Who got the Marriage Budget Spreadsheet?

    Hi, can anyone share the spreadsheet with me too please?
