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    Marie France

    yes i did. i was told its more effective for inch loss. if u r going for weight loss, its not the most cost-effective program as u know its very exp! i blur blur top up and switch to vs3 then later blur blur was told its not really that suited for me (by another consultant who took over the...
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    Armpit Hairs

    IPL package for sale 10 sessions at $888 Expressions. Pls contact me at 81216885 for more details
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    FIL (Face & Body Intelligence)

    Hi I have a FIL package to let go. - Account still have about $1600, which can be utilised for spa, massage or facials. Their massage is priced at $80-$120, facials from $120-$200. HOwever, my deal with them (utilising this account) is each facial will only be charged $58. All treatments...
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    Anybody try permanent hair removal before?

    i am letting go of my Expressions package due to tight cashflow. Below are the details, pls sms me directly at 81216885 if u r keen. thanks Expressions 1) 13 Quantum treatments: this is a 20 mins treatment for toning and inch loss. 1 session equivalent to 360 sit ups. Original price...
