Search results

  1. F

    Fresh Roses Bouquet

    Fresh Pink Roses Bouquet for under $15 I'm a home florist by hobby. Made a few bouquets today. Pink roses matched with periwinkle giving out a whimsical feel yet bringing out its elegance and grace. Pink roses convey admiration, joy, gratitude and appreciation! Hurry, get a bouquet now at an...
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    WTS post wedding stuffs

    Hi is ur item 1 wedding bear still available ?
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    **Z Wedding Referral Vouchers Giveaway**

    Hi as long as u sign up after me. Pm-ed u.
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    **Z Wedding Referral Vouchers Giveaway**

    Bump ! Anyone signed up with Z wedding ? U can still use my voucher even after u have signed and we will all have 3 extra photos each
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    **Z Wedding Referral Vouchers Giveaway**

    Up! E voucher is to be presented before u sign up with them. ;)
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    **Z Wedding Referral Vouchers Giveaway**

    Hi all! The largest wedding exhibition BOWS is happening in a week's time and if you are intending to sign up with Z Wedding, please let me know. For the rest who are still undecided, I am impressed at their sincerity and human touch when servicing their customers. I have the one and last...
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    WTB wedding lunch/dinner on 10 Oct 2015

    Hi azlan thanks but sry I've already placed gotten a place. Thanks !
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    Release of W Hotel Wedding Lunch Package on 10/10/2015

    Hi are you able pm or email me the details of ur package to [email protected]? Thanks.
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    Letting go of Wedding Banquet Package at Shangri-La - 2015

    Hi is it still available ? Pls send to [email protected] thanks!
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    Letting go Wedding Banquet Dinner @ MANDARIN ORCHARD (5 Stars hotel)

    Hi is still available? Kindly pm or email me to [email protected] thanks!
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    WTS: Wedding Lunch on 27 June 2015 @ GPCH *Only $870.80 NETT per table

    Hi is still available? Kindly pm or email to [email protected] thanks!
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    Wedding package for Ban Heng

    Hi is still available? Kindly pm or email to [email protected] thanks!
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    Letting Go Of Goodwood Park Lunch In 2015

    Hi, how many tables is this for? Kindly pm or email me to [email protected] thanks!
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    Letting go of Wedding Banquet Package @ Rendezvous Grand Hotel

    Hi, is the package still available ? kindly pm or email me to [email protected] thanks!
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    Letting go wedding dinner at regent hotel - year 2015

    Hi, is this ur available ? Kindly pm or email to [email protected] thanks!
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    Mandarin Oriental Lunch Package 2015 50% off

    Hi is this still available ?
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    WTB wedding lunch/dinner on 10 Oct 2015

    Hi btb and everyone , any letting go of lunch or dinner banquet on 10 Oct 2015? For about 15-18 tables. thanks!
  18. F

    Chris Ling photography and Z Wedding referral vouchers to give away!

    Ohh okay.. then can't le. Else u can pass me ur voucher.
  19. F

    Chris Ling photography and Z Wedding referral vouchers to give away!

    Hi sher1234, when did u sign up? I signed on the 11 jan.
