Search results

  1. W

    Hilton Hotel

    Hi mrs lim, i dun hv the soft copy already. think it'l be better if u can contact june personally & she'l send the packages to u almost immediately.
  2. W

    Hilton Hotel

    Hi Rainne, i've check with june, however she had mentioned that upgrading of food (changin to abalone, changin of fish or vegetables & etc) will required top-ups of $50 - $100 per tables which then wil fall out of our budget le. but tat was brief discussion over the phone, wil be...
  3. W

    Hilton Hotel

    not too sure about booking with hilton liao cos parents said tat dishes r nt too gd for weekdays haiz, difficult to find someware within budget, nice food, nice ambience ... and many others factors ...
  4. W

    Hilton Hotel

    sun, tks for ur advice. will neg. with her on those extra perks. hilton wasnt the 1st hotel i was lookin @. I went thru hyatt, holiday inn, orchard, mandarin & furama. but fell in love with hilton once i was there. tink it's stil up to own individual feelin after all hope my feeling...
  5. W

    Hilton Hotel

    Hi all, i'm new in this thread. had done a tentatively bookin with hilton. 29th nov 05 @ grand ballroom. had met up with june, find her to be a nice & friendly lady. hope didnt make a wrong choice. anyone with any advise on their service or wat to negotiate for?
  6. W

    Hilton Hotel

    Hi, Im new here. considering hilton for 2005 wedding. mind to sure hilton pixs & packages? [email protected]
