Search results

  1. J

    Grand Banquet at Hotel Royal @ Queens

    Hey girls, I would like to have more pictures of the ballroom instead of their normal pictures.. We are deciding on this res. Please sent to me at [email protected]
  2. J

    Fernvale Vista-2,3,4rooms BTO

    mine is 443A, 2nd Phrase de..
  3. J

    Fernvale Vista-2,3,4rooms BTO

    Hmmm.. I wondering when will the FV Pharse 2 be ready to collect keys.. waiting for very long le.. lol...
  4. J

    Fernvale Vista-2,3,4rooms BTO

    hey.. I've booked a flat for fernvale vista phrase 2... dunoo if anyone had booked for it?? looking for neighbours.. hee...
