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    Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel

    hi bugbear, great thks! appreciate that!
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    Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel

    Hi BugBear, yes. its the same. hmmm... maybe can consider to change almond cream to yam paste.... btw, is the herbal prawn nice??? can u elaborate more on ur wedding menu?? like which dish u choose for ur wedding and hows their rating?? me need to confirm the dish soon... so need helps...
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    Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel

    Hi Sherl n BugBear, thanks for the advise. during my foodtasting, i tried almond cream wif ginko nut and we like it. but it seems that yam paste is common in most wedding dinner so dun know which to choose. i have a frd that attended a dinner at GCW recently and commented that the yam...
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    Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel

    hi, can anyone advise on which dessert to choose, yam paste or almond cream with ginko nut?? i tried the almond cream and its nice but have not tried the yam paste so dun if it taste nice... anyone can advise on which menu to choose??? any link?? thks!
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    Anyone has Minnie Riperton's Lovin' You?

    Hi Pierced, can share the song wif me? my email is [email protected] thks!
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    A Moment Like This

    Hi Mav, can share the song "a moment like this" wif me? my email is [email protected] thks!
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    Anyone has the song 'You'Re My First, My Last My Everything'?

    Hi Jenn, can share the song with me? my email [email protected] thks!
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    Hi Jenn, can send the song to me? my email [email protected] thks!
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    From This Moment full version with vow at the beginning

    Hi Jenn, can share the song "from this moment" with me? my email is [email protected] million thks!
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    Any March In Songs 2 Recommend???

    Jenn, thks! received teh song liao... very nice...
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    Any March In Songs 2 Recommend???

    Hi jenn, can send me the song : Allegrato by The Bond?? my email is [email protected] thks!
