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  1. H

    Aerobics/gym workouts

    Hi honesty... me oso in fitness first.. i'm usually at capital tower.. u? i workout more at the gym..trying to tone up after giving birth..
  2. H

    Any comments on Cis**rn?*=e?

    cannot say its luck to get the right ID lah...we going to spend our hard earn $ on our i think chosing the right ID is impt lor... guess i'll only go for IDs who have actually renovated for my friends...thru their recommendations..rather than just hearing comments from here &amp...
  3. H

    Any comments on Cis**rn?*=e?

    i was going thru this thread..hopeing to read some comments abt Cis**** cos also thot of meeting them for a quotation... but seems like nt very advisable to engage them... i think sometimes the company is ok but the ID is inexperience himself... :-(
  4. H

    A PLACE to recommend your favourite beauty products.

    ya..agreed its very ex.. but its really worth it lor..their pdts contains a lot of essential oils... sometimes i think this kind of $ cannot save for vain woman like us..haha.. me already 3 yrs into their pdts liao...& still a satisfied customer. u can try to look for Lenus, the senior...
  5. H

    A PLACE to recommend your favourite beauty products.

    Hi gals, glad to see so many Sisley supporters here... me using the full range of Sisley skincare too. Yes, the Ecological compound is good...i can even use it on my baby's face to prevent rashes. Try their Sisleya eyecream & other cleansing pdts... really good..agree its more ex..but...
