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  1. B

    Pick Up Class, How to Talk to Women

    how u look mindset or how you look appearance?
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    Pick Up Class, How to Talk to Women

    Couldn't agree more sm. Perhaps it's down to mindset and attitude, built up through various encounters over their lives to validate their mightier than thou mentality. Like there are tons of guys out there who would give an arm and a leg to be with me. When it comes to sex I'm so hot that...
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    Pick Up Class, How to Talk to Women

    Huh then u very negative what.
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    Pick Up Class, How to Talk to Women

    just for fun yesterday I went to a free seminar on how to approach women, with a friend. I'm seeing someone at the moment and she's cool with my attendance lah. Just told her it's for self discovery and to satiate a little of my curiosity as to what kind of guys go to these things and what I...
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    huh, u so anal one ah mimi. dunno what date or not date is it? wah lau eh, let's just say I dare bet my last dollar they know lah. Of course information exchanged and communicated preceding the dates qualify the dates to be dates lor...
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    wahhh si beh pai seh leh. sure or not? Really thought most of the guys were in the 20-30s age group, you must look really young lah sm. Ok ok I try to figure out how to PM. I still have Powder's number so will call him once something firms up see if he wanna come out. Yesno: ok end here...
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    good to know la yesno. I am sure you do hope in your heart, no matter how faint, that there are good-hearted people out there who appreciate you for who you are and what you can offer. sm, I don't have leh. In fact long long long time ago I may have gone for 1-2 outings but I don't think I...
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    come la sm, buy me a drink over the weekend!
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    Singapore is forever playing catchup with Hong Kong

    tell us more leh Scope, wanna hear your views on this. U appreciate PRC meh? And life in SG or HK what's the diff? Milo: haha yeah man, you Pool fan ah? Wasted, Suarez is an asset to the team too bad gotta sell. If Man Utd they sure don't care one.
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    Possession or love?

    wahhh so many angles to take from here. 1. 'aside from this, we are comfortable'. You are also very comfortable with most of your guy friends right? What's the difference between your platonic friendships with your 'brothers' and your relationship with this dude? 2. explain one last time...
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    sorry to bring it up but your sis-in-law is only one woman. Don't let it affect your own happiness
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    Singapore is forever playing catchup with Hong Kong

    sorry to tweak the thread a little. the PRCs in SG have, on the whole, not tried to make an effort to integrate. I can cite so many examples where the big picture seems to say, they think they are here to do us a favour and perhaps because of that think that we owe them a living. On...
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    1. fate is also made by you mah. You don't need to consciously say you want to find a mate and that means it is going against fate. But at least remain open minded, while at the same time telling yourself fate or not, I still need to go out and eat, watch movie, take classes, meet people, then...
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    Possession or love?

    i've heard so many cases where the woman is not happy and wants out but is being 'out-talked' by the guy to stay. indeed there is no right or wrong way to conduct a relatioship. But, there is a happy or sad way. Let's not ask whether it is right or wrong. Rather, ask if you are happy or...
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    Singapore is forever playing catchup with Hong Kong

    in terms of go-getting, they are definitely hungrier than us, in my opinion. but look at what that has gotten them? I have HK friends working here when they return for holidays they can't wait to come back after they face fellow HK-ers. All the youtube clips about the weird and socially...
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    36 woes.

    i detest your last post toma. baboons are not dumb. Heehee...
  18. B

    Woman View On Aging n $$$....><"

    huh u got baby meh?
