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  1. M

    Any Korean drama serial fans here?

    Ladies, no one knows where to get the necklace locally?
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    Any Korean drama serial fans here?

    Hi all Fans... not sure if I am outdated, but I just finish watching Stairways to Heaven..very sad show...but very touching. Anyone know where to purchase the necklace wore by both of the lead actor & actress? I checked the website, all from overseas and Yahoo Auction also have..but I...
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    Yvonne Creative

    hi goobergrape, can i see your photos too, please...? [email protected]
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    J&C Bridal Collections

    Kelpy, thanks!
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    J&C Bridal Collections

    Kelpy, Was it Eric the young funky looking guy with trendy glasses?
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    J&C Bridal Collections

    Hi Kelpy , may i know who is your PSphotographer and also your wife MUA...?
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    Advise on Outdoor Photoshoot Preparation

    hi dear dear & bigtoes, can you share your pics with me too..please...? [email protected]
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    Furama City Centre

    Hi Dappy. I also sign up with Furama with Ivy. do let me know about your feedback after your wedding...Thanks.
