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  1. J

    (2010/09) Sept Brides

    avatar82: thanks for sharing dear and congratulations to you ! tomorrow will be icager's big day. congratzz babe. a quick question, usually how long will the 2nd march in be from the 1st march in? i'm thinking my lunch should start around 12 - 12:30pm. i've informed my MUA to come around...
  2. J

    (2010/09) Sept Brides

    had been really busy and didn't get to check the thread.. sn0w & conden: Hi 5!! how're your preparations going?? Karen: Yes Yes. My AD is at PJ ! Your wedding is on 19 sep? Exactly 1 week after mine How's your preparations dear? i'm going for my HDB 2nd appointment tomorrow...
  3. J

    (2010/09) Sept Brides

    thanks huisi i've updated my details !
  4. J

    (2010/09) Sept Brides

    Anyone here doing lunch wedding? I'll be having my solemnisation & tea ceremony at the lunch venue. This is my AD schedule: > 8:30 am - Groom arrive at Bride's place (No gate crashing) > 8:30 am - Praying and eat red eggs > 9:00 am - Leave for restaurant (must leave latest 9:15 am) >...
  5. J

    (2010/09) Sept Brides

    hi all ! i'm a 12sep bride..11 more days to go !! should be feeling excited but i'm feeling so tired...busy with work. there are still so many nitty gritty stuff to be done. i've not confirmed seating arrangements, arrange petal toss etc etc. and i'm getting keys to my house on 9sep...
  6. J

    JP - Dr Phua Tan Tee

    i've also managed to engage Dr Phua as our solemniser on my wedding on 12 Sep ^_^ Would like to check how long does the whole solemnisation process take? Because we will be having our solemnisation, tea ceremony and wedding lunch all at 1 place.
