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  1. B


    hey hey mummies hope the others dun mind cos the mummy chatter is back! :p Starstar: i still think your little Jayden is pretty guai already. Nt to be negative or what but Kieran is a little monster at home. he use his hands to sweep his toys around to make a mess (dunno why also) and...
  2. B


    yo ladies dunno your full name la so pls add me my email address: [email protected] cheers!! hey ashburn: it has been a long time since i visited Anantara. But im not sure if mine was dhigu or the was way back in 2006! i stayed in the water villa and it was great cos it...
  3. B


    hey mummies T and P: nope same as you. the thought of Kieran smearing the porridge i lovingly cooked for him stresses me to bits haha like you i will let him test out self feeding twds the end of his meal...i will hold his hands real tight and guide his feeding spoon to his mouth. he still...
  4. B


    Wu: alamak i didnt win anyting from Toto angbao draw so cannot afford to go Maldives siah..haizz U? U found kakis to book the whole island liao? haha
  5. B


    hey ladies all the discussion on pre schools and Pri Schools! how was everyone's V day? it was just another day for, feeding, diaper changes...didnt have the habit of celebrating from the start. think only had one V day dinner w hubby during pat-tor days. not very romantic...
  6. B


    hihi me back at work since last friday man. so hard to get engine started after just a few days break! Zhuzhu: so how is Markus liking school now? does he come back and "sing" the songs he learn? has he become more independant? btw he is on half day childcare only right? Haru: u have...
  7. B


    heyhey mummies and Fanfan Early CNY greetings to all!! GONG XI FA CAI! everyone..may all get all you wish for Haru: think dun think so much abt the expressing part. I think u already hv the basic plan liao just play by ear when the situation arises and adapt from there yah. u hv such an...
  8. B


    heyhey whoa haru u got to be back at work so soon? am sure w zhuzhu and t and p's advise u can manage real well yeah. Heidi is a great name! it was nightmare on my first day of work after ML...long sad story la...the stress at work made me give up giving kieran partial BM... Im not set...
  9. B


    heyhey Happy New year in advance!! doubt got the time to go online over next few days yeah.. Prob gog for Japanese buffet then pick up Kieran to go see the fireworks at vivo or something kinda worried about not being able to get transport back. planning to take the bus!! yikes.. :p...
  10. B


    heyhey mummies its Friday again tmr Bz bz w work and after work xmas shopping! and i have only a tiny tiny list! strange im taking so long to buy all the required pressies..times are bad so must cut back but at the same time buy something chic, meaningful and most impt of all Useful...
  11. B


    Yoyo its the long weekend!!! >>>Mummies i guess my Kieran is not putting on much weight too cos he is getting longer and not any meatier but im fine as long as he doesnt look too skinny la...i miss his meatball stage too but i guess our boys are getting older so theirs looks have to change...
  12. B


    hihi TGIF nursing bad cough at home now..very worried abt spreading it to Kieran but thank god im not coughing that much but its bad enough to make me weak and lethargic Haru and T and P: thanks for the tips wil let my friend know T and P: BM Bread!! Thats the first time ive heard of that...
  13. B


    Hi mummies T and P : have a great time during your trip yeah..its truly couple time when u are there! are u gog to pump and drink your own BM while away? got the idea while watching America's Next Top Model recently..that was what one of the contestant did!@ Starstar: no idea how to...
  14. B


    hey mummies reading the following thread made me feel kinda sad. what if kieran doesnt need mummy any more in a couple of years and starts to find me a bore??oh no... btw i love love love to read the above blog
  15. B


    Hey CONGrats HaRU! your princess is so pretty. looks like your hubby he is in love now so is he taking leave these few weeks to help out.. Your nipples will toughen up so give it a little time. apply the cream or your BM :btw your bb latches actively as in she doesnt fall asleep...
  16. B


    heyhey T and P: during my time there was only one, didnt know there are two in Maldives now le...i think mine is Dhigu. Small service lapses here and there but love the overwater bungalows man. spacious and new w huge bathtub planning to give holiday tours more biz liao huuh..keke Haru...
  17. B


    Haru: dun forget to moisturise that area well so that its not dry, skin more supple and wont hurt so much when baby latches
  18. B


    yoyo so i guessed correctly yeah... Big congrats to Starstar! v lucky easily ganna jackport T and P: I totally know the feeling man, sometimes i take half day to do my own errands or just rest at home but ended up scrubbing toilets or laundry or ironing :p sad ahh hahha :D
  19. B


    hey mummies and haru thanks Kieran is back to his usual active and mischevious self cant agree w you more T and P: i sometimes fear weekends myself - today ie Monday horrible when it comes to waking up. my hubby complaints that its soo diff to wake me!! hahha.. Starstar: great that your...
  20. B


    Yo yo T and P : yep yep i read your blog Kieran had a sudden fever last sat after waking from his nap... we guessed its cos he was sleeping in an air con room and he caught a chill thank god after some infant panadol he bounced back to his usual mischevious self! Oh mummies how do u cope...
