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  1. S

    (2009) Brides of year 2009

    Managed to finish folding the cards, inserts and tying the ribbons, when I found out that................ INSERTS NOT ENOUGH!!!! Had ordered for 200 inserts, but ended up only with 180... Called the shop up to complain, and they very calmly told me that they will call the factory to print the...
  2. S

    (2009) Brides of year 2009

    saggiegirl> Aiyah.. There will always be this type of people in every office... Remain happy ar.. Less than 1 month to the Big Day
  3. S

    (2009) Brides of year 2009

    icecoolmilo> Wah.. You are really determined.. I topped up around 30 more pics.. Together with another type of finishing, ended up topping up abt 2K more.. Got all the soft copies back though.. Was looking at the soft copies the other day, and thought to myself that I look fat.. The pics (which...
  4. S

    (2009) Brides of year 2009

    Littlewoman> Ya lor.. That's what I am trying to do as well... Else, I will just keep telling myself "Ommmm......" haha.... Shir> Woh... Your cards are nice and unique.. Mine are ivory as I don't like bright red... It's good that the ribbons are already tied.. We have to start from scratch -...
  5. S

    (2009) Brides of year 2009

    Charmaine> Maybe you are right.. I think now because of too many things on my mind, my nerves are starting to get sensitive.. Heehee.. Maybe I should wear a warning sign - Bride in progress ;p
  6. S

    (2009) Brides of year 2009

    We are going for the food tasting next weekend.. Was informing my ILs about the timing, and guess what my MIL asked me? "So, are your family going too?".. We answered "Yes", and that my eldest sis might be coming too.. After that I was asking my HTB, I thought food tasting is for groom...
  7. S

    (2009) Brides of year 2009

    hello(happygal1)> Congrats! I'm part of the group getting married on 6 Dec as well.. Welcome
  8. S

    (2009) Brides of year 2009

    Babyfaery> Don't worry too much about the meeting today.. I also had my "Meet the Parents" session 2 weeks ago.. As the venue for food tasting is under reno, we rented a chalet and ordered catering.. My immediate family clan also attended.. Things went smoothly, although there were some things...
  9. S

    (2009) Brides of year 2009

    Hi all.. Miss talking to you all this week.. Now cannot access this website from office, so can only log on at night or weekends... ahBlur> If the banquet venue is able to accomodate more tables, still not that bad.. For mine, 27 tables is the max liao.. So, must be firm already.. Else the...
  10. S

    (2009) Brides of year 2009

    Pebbles; Von> When I go from my house to the bridal car, my dad / mum can shelter me.. But what about when we are at my HTB's place? He shelter me, or need a relative from my side or his side?
  11. S

    (2009) Brides of year 2009

    Had the meeting with our group of xiong-di and jie-mei yesterday.. Went through the timing of AD, and responsibilities of each of them... So happy that they are able to help One of them mentioned about red umbrella.. Does anyone knows what it is for? Needed when?
  12. S

    (2009) Brides of year 2009

    ahBlur> Ya lor.. Like my in-laws.. Initially said no need to invite FIL colleagues.. Then later, said 1 table.. Then when we were finalizing the number of tables, asked us whether there are any more available tables.. Our venue has limited tables (which is close to what we had initially...
  13. S

    (2009) Brides of year 2009

    Doll> Try to take some nourishments for your health.. Need to stay healthy and pretty for the actual day :D I have not been feeling well on and off these 2 weeks as well (due to work and wedding stress).. Started taking nourishments (eg: American Ginseng tea) to try and reduce the "heat"...
  14. S

    (2009) Brides of year 2009

    Littlewoman> Ya.. But still have an entire list of outstanding things to do Hope to clear some of the things asap.. Saggiegirl> Hee hee..Sometimes fate is a strange thing.. I have a friend who met her husband during a wedding dinner, whereby she is the jie mei and her husband is the xiong...
  15. S

    (2009) Brides of year 2009

    Saggiegirl> Yap.. So happy that the session went well T-Dragon cut the strings for you? Ei.. they mention that we have to cut them ourselves leh.. Hmm.. Maybe I should check with them again... Will be confirming with T-Dragons for the printing of invities.. Hoping to get it by early Nov to...
  16. S

    (2009) Brides of year 2009

    "Meet the parents" session has proceeded smoothly... Yeah :D
  17. S

    (2009) Brides of year 2009

    Littlewoman> The place where we are getting our invites printed charges extra for re-printing.. I.e: If I print out 1 batch, and needs some more later, need to pay additional charges.. That's y waiting for confirmed listing to start printing at one go... Hoping to finalize within these few days...
  18. S

    (2009) Brides of year 2009

    Thanks, gals Will try my best to relax.. My list of outstanding things to do: - Confirm number of guests. - Increase confirmed tables with hotel. - Confirm number of invites required and inform printing company to start printing the cards. - Meeting with xiong di and jie mei to discuss...
  19. S

    (2009) Brides of year 2009

    My parents and in-laws are meeting tomorrow to discuss the GIL stuff.. Hope all things go smoothly
  20. S

    (2009) Brides of year 2009

    Hi all... Able to log in this morning as I am on medical leave.. I think too stressed liao (with work and wedding).. Having tension headache 2 days ago, and was running a fever yesterday... My doctor was telling me to try and relax.. Haha... Littlewoman> Haven't decided on the quantity...
