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    Calling all Malaysian brides/grooms wonder..transit link bus guide website no longer exists i think..tried to search for it last week..
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    Calling all Malaysian brides/grooms

    darcy, go check online sbs bus guide.. should be able to find out the route
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    Calling all Malaysian brides/grooms

    darcy, no need envy's fate lor..i only envy those whose husband are romantic, loving, caring and "xi xin" husband only...hahah.. jas, ur hubby damn wrong leh...this kind of thing is very subjective. it depends on one characteristic and how the person being brought up, his value, his...
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    Calling all Malaysian brides/grooms

    oops, double posting. paiseh.. yeah, seldom go back ever since my mum passed away and my dad relocated here.. but might be going back during one of the weekends cos my grandma is ill...
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    Calling all Malaysian brides/grooms

    yep, yep...think the others very busy with work..zann is extremely stress with her company new system implementation..called her sometime back and she was "cursing" over this extra new task...hahah...
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    Calling all Malaysian brides/grooms

    yep, yep...think the others very busy with work..zann is extremely stress with her company new system implementation..called her sometime back and she was "cursing"...hahah...
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    Calling all Malaysian brides/grooms

    heheh, i've been following and reading all the postings lah..
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    Calling all Malaysian brides/grooms

    pink, you're not also a malaysian married to a singaporean guy.. studied and work here..been here for around 8-9 years! But unlike you i only had a wedding in spore..
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    Calling all Malaysian brides/grooms

    There's a new member right? pinkbuttons <font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">WeL</font><font color="119911">Co</font><font color="0000ff">Me</font></font> <font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">Pinkbuttons!!!</font></font>
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    Calling all Malaysian brides/grooms

    morning ladies, this is marilyn. me using another account still kena suspended. wonder if they're gonna reactivate for me or sian...
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    Calling all Malaysian brides/grooms

    anne, i'm so envious! get to travel round the world..but then think you made the right choice to change your job. It's tough to sustain a marriage if husband and wife don't get to see each other often cos it gives rooms for couple to drift apart..
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    Calling all Malaysian brides/grooms

    hi ladies, got a long meeting just, now back at my desk. ya, usually long weekends we "balik kampung" one leh...15th Jan should be ok for me..and no problem for buffet, yummy!! SP, i think anne means throw away (tuang) your job for a day?? right, anne? BB2, ya, dieting is...
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    Grand Hyatt Singapore

    hi gerlynn, why don't you just go to hyatt and request to see the GM of the hotel? Last time I worked part time as a receptionist at one of the hotel in singapore and when matters brought up to the higher management, things get resolved. The guest wrote a letter of complaint the GM of the...
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    Grand Hyatt Singapore

    hi puzzerain, Don't remember any pink card from hyatt le..anyway, chose one offered by the printing company.
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    Grand Hyatt Singapore

    hi bugbear, thanks for your comforting words. Yeah, my collegues told me that too. hi puzzlerain, No. we din. Went down to the printing company that ties with hyatt. Told them we're hyatt couple and they show us the hyatt cards. The design are not that fantastic but think it's better...
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    Grand Hyatt Singapore

    Hi Puzzlerain, We selected our card a week back and in the process of printing them. Not too sure if I have a high standard or what. Was quite disappointed with the card selections offered by the printing company. Nonetheless, we still chose from the lot as we don't want to spend extra $$ on...
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    Grand Hyatt Singapore

    To all Hyatt Brides, Anyone knows whether hisbiscus room has the facility to play MP3 music? Can we bring our own laptop and connect it to the speaker or something and play from it?
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    teatree, view your pixs already..very nice and you look really good! i love the one you and your hubby dancing in the woods the most.. so romantic and also give me a sense of peace when looking at them..dunno why also must be the woods.. may i know whether is that place?
