Search results

  1. D

    (2008) Brides of year 2008

    Hi XLB and PSH, I've seen all your pics... ALl very pretty neh!!! Looks beautiful... Haha... Never think that everyone is using that method..XLB, you look like model!!! M.. no matter what, it will still leak out de.. The sperm had turn watery.. so it will leak out.. Haha.. Your hubby is...
  2. D

    (2008) Brides of year 2008

    Hi M, do you have any friendster account? Yeah, your right.. Brides are suppose to be pretty on that day!!! Hi PSH, i'm trying to have baby right away.. Hmmmm.. Actually been trying to conceive for 3 months already.. But hor.. Like very hard leh... Not sure how come those ppl can shotgun so...
  3. D

    (2008) Brides of year 2008

    Argh~~~ PSH.. I'm not as in luck as in you.. Ppl compliment you having radiant glow on your face.. Mine is ppl say that i'm putting on weight!!! Shit!!! my husband been feeding me with food, food, food and food!!! *SOB*
  4. D

    (2008) Brides of year 2008

    Hi M, thanks.. Felt welcome here.. Hi PSH, mine ID in multiply is mrandmrskhoo What's yours? Been a ugly bride.. *SAD*
  5. D

    (2008) Brides of year 2008

    Hi Mrses.. How have your girls been getting on????
  6. D

    (2008) Brides of year 2008

    Hi Mrses~~~ I'm back!!!! Wow... I'm glad that everything went on smoothly.. But i was dead drunk on my wedding night. Haha.. Overall a special feeling... But now was upset with the photographer that i had engaged on my wedding day.. Can you imagine??? Till now, he still haven have my 300 pics...
  7. D

    (2008) Brides of year 2008

    hihi.. Mine is coming ths 31st May.. Hope that things will be like you guys, end the wedding smoothly..
  8. D

    (2008) Brides of year 2008

    hihi... I'm having my wedding on 31st may too!!!
