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  1. H

    Anyone else learning driving?

    Hi all, I'm learning driving with my pte instructor for mths now... Had fail my 1st test. Still waitin for my 2nd attempt. Im must pass this time! I have a good instructor. Any one want my recommendation, email me at [email protected] I will give u the contact. Btw, my...
  2. H

    Holiday Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre

    Hi Gals, Its been long time since i log-in. Btw, jus wondering anyone need extra invitation cards? I left over some from my wedding last Nov. I think i have ard 50 reds and 10 ivory... Nobody want, i'll have to dump into the rubbish chute liao. Email me @ [email protected] Cheers!
  3. H

    Holiday Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre

  4. H

    Holiday Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre

    Hi syncgal, U can call 6334 2320. If nobody picks up, means haven't open yet cos they r a wine pub. Operating hrs like usual pub like that. But usually the boss will divert the call to his mobile. So u can try calling, he is friendly. And u can go down for wine tasting w/o any obligations...
  5. H

    Holiday Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre

    syncgal, I got my wine from The Red Cellar (outside supplier)... Got my wine only at $14.50/bottle. They do have $12.50/bottle but by the time i went for my wine tasting, its out of stock already....
  6. H

    Holiday Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre

    Hi syncgal, Free Wine per table? Dun think its possible lar... Wine corkage charge waived maybe but dun supply free wine? Brightstar, Yeah yeah, will get the whole set of wedding faouvrs upon checking out... Vonvon, Congrats wor!! Update us on yr AD okie? And of cos yr pics to show...
  7. H

    Holiday Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre

    HI Dazzle81, Hmm, i think its not bad... Had recieved comments from colleagues, friends and relatives that the food is good...
  8. H

    Holiday Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre

    Hi Serene, Maybe u can ask Vasanthi abt it cos she ever mentioned to me before they have an lady emcee for $180. Not those very very professional type lah. (Pro needs abt 500-600)
  9. H

    Holiday Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre

    yeah yeah, did post my link in previous posting above... Nvr mind, here it is again....
  10. H

    Holiday Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre

    Hmm, i do have emcee script... but that don't include solmnisation ceremony. I also dun know what my emcee said that day leh... Cos i'm standing at the door preparing to march in... hahaha!! But do leave me yr email add. I can email u.
  11. H

    Holiday Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre

    Hi Serene, Hmm, for my case... my father march in with me cos my hubby got an fractured ankle which not recovered on that day so he waited for me at the stage instead of marching in with me. May i know what theme will u be choosing? if its crystal theme then its advisable to take the long...
  12. H

    Holiday Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre

    Hi babystarlet, Sure will block one lor... But bo bian la.. That's why arrange impt ppl to sit near the aisle lor.
  13. H

    Holiday Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre

    Hi Yen, Hmm, my colleague did mentioned that the pillars blocked their view. hehe, no choice la... Nothing can be perfect.
  14. H

    Holiday Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre

    Hi jesdreamz, The rosebud tea is one of the wedding favours selection... Hi Brightstar, The sand display was a surprise by them. I think the chubby chef dancing and shaking is Murali. He's the one who dance on my AD at the dish presentation lor... He's actually not the chef, he's one...
  15. H

    Holiday Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre

    Hi brightstar, The glass showcase is outside the entrance of the ballroom... As u mentioned abt the names on the stage, now then i realised we dun have names on the stage leh!! haha, blur me... anyway, dun think names can put on stage cos of the bid crystal stand in front of the mirror on...
  16. H

    Holiday Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre

    Hi brightstar, Thanks wor for the compliments.... Hi babystarlet, Mine was a long march in. We took 38 tables and reserved 2 tables. As for the glass showcase is provided by HIPV. ya, they offer to me themself. I was not aware of that till the AD.
  17. H

    Holiday Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre

    Actually all the pics still in DVD but i've picked some & uploaded in my website here... U can view pics of the crystal ballroom and sand decor on that day... Enjoy! Note: Photos have not DI yet by PG...
  18. H

    Holiday Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre

    Hey hey gals, I got my AD DVD-ROM.Can show u all the pics of HIPV on my wedding dinner. The crystal decor...
  19. H

    Holiday Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre

    Hi Swangirl, Ok, will email u the pics when its out, okie?
  20. H

    Holiday Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre

    Hi brightstar, Great! She contacted u... Hmm, my AD pics is still not ready leh. will email to u once i get the CD-Rom ya?
