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    Calling all Malaysian brides/grooms

    Anne - ya, that's me SusanY - AD is Dec 19th, in Penang. Completely forgot about invitation cards - die, die, die...!
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    WMF Pots and Pans

    B2B3M4: Yes, can use pressure cooker for steaming dishes like foil-wrapped herbal chicken (but must wrap tightly otherwise all the sauce leaks out). Can steam potatoes also. For food that cooks fast (like fish) I don't bother - otherwise easy to overcook. My mom uses hers at home to make soup -...
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    Cooking Recipes as promised

    Hi Winnie, can I have one too? Thanks! hedgehog AT clovermail DOT net
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    Calling all Malaysian brides/grooms

    Hi Nana! My AD to keep parents happy is in Msia, but all my friends are here so will be having something here also, maybe an informal party sort of thing. I took photos here but didn't take whole package. Making dress at home.
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    WMF Pots and Pans

    B2B3M4: Ya, only one cover (so can only use one pot at a time). Mine didn't come with steamer insert, but bought my own for $2.40 at NTUC So far no need to replace parts. Very user-friendly - pressure indicator rings easy to see; handle is detachable for cleaning, and easily snaps back on...
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    WMF Pots and Pans

    B2B3M4, I have the 6.5 + 3.0 (or was it 2.5?) l Perfect pressure cooker set. I usually use the small pan, since cooking only for 2, but I like having the big one around just in case Bought it during WMF 150th Anniversary sales for - can't remember, I think $199 - last year. Not much...
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    WMF Pots and Pans

    I have WMF pots and pressure cooker. Very happy with them I usually use the pressure cooker for beans and chickpeas - cooking time is only about 10 min compared to 1 1/2 hours in a normal pot.
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    Beauty Magic by Liren Neo (Makeup Artist)

    Liren did my makeup twice - once ROM-style (very nice) and once studio-style (I thought it was a bit heavy, but came out okay under studio lighting). I liked her eyebrow shaping, though.
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    Carlton Hotel - ROM Solemnisation

    QQ, would like a copy of the details, please. Thanks! email hedgehog AT clovermail DOT net
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    Malaysia wedding

    Wedding in December '04 - need contacts for hair and makeup in Penang, please! email hedgehog AT clovermail DOT net
