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  1. D

    2017 brides

    Congrats! Mind sharing how's the banquet package like?
  2. D

    2017 brides

    Anyone signed up for bridal studios at bows? I was so close to signing up with My Dream Wedding but decided to do more research. Pls share your experiences :)
  3. D

    2017 brides

    My face brightens and whitens by quite significantly. Unfortunately, the effect didn't last once I stopped. I know it's being sold in some clinics. Not sure about online. But I guess it is hard to verify the authenticity of the product if you purchase online.
  4. D

    2017 brides

    May I check how much is the banquet for MBS in 2017? Doing some calculations now.
  5. D

    2017 brides

    Hi BTBs, I'm looking at overseas casual photo shoot. Any nice places /countries to recommend? On a budget so will not be considering kwedding packages. Price is too steep. Thanks in advance!
  6. D

    2017 brides

    Hi Esther! I'm looking at budget below $1300. Not sure if it's possible for 2017.
  7. D

    2017 brides

    I tried crystal tomato recently. Worked like magic. Pricey though. So I've stopped and will start again probably 3 months before my wedding.
  8. D

    2017 brides

    Hi there! My friend engaged Z wedding last year. The reviews are not good. They said the gowns look very beautiful in photos but did not look good to wear in real life on actual day. But it was too late so they took the photos with the Z wedding, and rented/bought separate gowns for actual day.
  9. D

    2017 brides

    Thanks dear! Looking forward to hear from you :)
  10. D

    2017 brides

    Hi, I'm new too! Planning my wedding in first half of 2017. Looking to count the auspicious dates now. Am considering Master David Tong. Anyone has any reviews?
