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  1. S

    Christian Brides

    Hi Laetitia, Just want to share my experience here We had our Holy Matrimony in the hotel's function room before our lunch in Oct last year. Do know that you will not be short changed for His presence even though it's not in the church premise. The word says He is in our midst when 2 or...
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    Christian Brides

    Hi Mercey, I'd completed the pre-marital counselling in my church. Now pending the meet up with my wedding coordinator to walk through the Holy Matrimony procedure & rehearsal I'll like to share with all of you about what happened to me past few days. As the wedding is drawing near, I'm...
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    Christian Brides

    My holy matrimony will be at the hotel's function room itself, coz NCC dun have our own church building (can only held holy matrimony at the current place at weekdays, which is definitely out for us) Have all of you gone through the pre marital counseling? How do u find it? I think it's...
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    Hilton Hotel

    How many extra parking coupons do you all requested for?
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    Hilton Hotel

    Hi bubblesss> Yes, it's T-dragon, took the cards from Hilton so if you're using their cards, it's among the 6. I selected the Lilac (purple color) cards. If I'm not wrong, the designs are available from saggiegirl's blog
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    Hilton Hotel

    Hi all, Just an update. I'd start to distribute the invitation cards
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    Christian Brides

    Hi Junee, My holy matrimony will starts at 10.30am . I keep it small for family & close friends as it'll be in the function rooms of the hotel. Don't worry, just follow your heart for the ceremony that you desire
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    Christian Brides

    Hi all, My AD will be 10th October 2009 (another 2 more months to go!) Church: New Creation Church
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    Christian Brides

    Hi Babt_daffodil> I'll be having mine in one go. It's gona be gatecrashing, tea ceremony, holy matrimony followed by a wedding luncheon Mine will be on 10th October. Whens urs?
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    Hilton Hotel

    Hi Bubblesss > perks should be the normal ones I guess. Since mine is a luncheon in Vista, plus we use their invitation & favors, we din get any extra perks I would say. Guess it's the standard for all the couples? Had 1 nite stay in suite, 1 barrel of beer & complimentary 1 bottle of...
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    Hilton Hotel

    Hi Bubblesss, saggiegirl> I'd called Rachel. Apparently the luggage tags had just been replenished. I managed to change my favors to the luggage tags
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    Hilton Hotel

    Saggiegirl> We'd chose the passport holders in place of the luggage tags. When are u going down to confirm the details? Let me know what you selected, & most importantly, whether the luggage tags are still available. If yes, I'll see if I still can change
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    Hilton Hotel

    Hi bubblesss (questseeker)> Is there a new collection of luggage tag for favors? I'd selected my favors somewhere in June & that time Rachel told me that the bride & groom luggage tag is no more on their favors list & is also not on the display table. I was quite dissapointed as I...
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    Hilton Hotel

    Jiang Yu> No need to pay to take PS in Hilton. Just let Rachel/June know & they'll inform the hotel staffs, coz you're not supposed to take PS in the hotel without permission. I'd also ask her to book the suite for me for the PS.
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    Hilton Hotel

    Jiang Yu & Stella, I'd also received reminder email from Hilton! Mine will be in Vista in October. Any of u going to take photos in Hilton? I'll be going to take my PS there on the 15th.
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    10 tables. Where to hold small wedding dinner?

    Mine will be in Vista coz I like the chandeliers, like the one in Fullerton. Fell in love with the room at first sight Furthermore, mine will be a luncheon, so will not have the chance to have the evening breeze from the pool.
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    10 tables. Where to hold small wedding dinner?

    I went to Marriott's function room to have a look before. It's very basic, even the deco. 9 tables will be a bit crampy unless you dun mind the squeeze between the tables. But you need to control your guest list to the MAX 9 tables. In the end, I take up Hilton for their luncheon package...
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    Actual Day Program. Need some guidance

    Hi all, I'll be having church wedding ceremony in Hilton followed by a wedding luncheon. This is my draft schedule. Please help to go through to see whether my time is ok. 8am Makeup 10am Groom arrives at hotel, gate crashing 11am Holy matrimonial/church wedding ceremony 12pm Cocktail...
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    Hilton Hotel

    Hi, I'll be having a wedding luncheon in Vista room in October. Was given waiver of corkage of 1 bottle of wine per confirmed table. If I need additional wines, the corkage charge is $15 per bottle. Did anyone manage to negotiate a better deal?
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    Anyone engaged personal trainer in gym before?

    Hi, I'd been going to the gym since August last year and managed to lose 3+ kgs after only about 6 months. I tried to go at least twice a week, but I normally go to classes like combat, pump and TBT. Now contemplating the idea to engage a personal trainer to lose another 7 kgs to my ideal...
