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  1. P

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Hello everyone, I have become a Mrs overnight (my rom was yesterday). Everything went really well yesterday. The meeting of parents go very well too. Our JP is very good, he did a chinese explanation and then conduct the official one in english. Everyone was very touched when we exchanged our...
  2. P

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    hi sun96, thanks. very excited, again hope everything turns out well. it is aso the first time the parents meet up. hi jen, congrats to you too. I am doing mine at conrad a jp to solemnise. There are quite many small details to settle. I finally managed to borrow a cam corder. phew.
  3. P

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    hello little ger & everyone, glad to know so many nov brides. My AD is 12 Nov. Dinner @ Sheraton, just signed with Bridal Veil. My ROM date this saturday, very excited. Anyone rom is march too?
  4. P

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    hello all, glad to see so many nov brides. Congrats. My AD in Nov too.
