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  1. D

    (2008) Brides of year 2008

    hi ladies ;) can i chk wif u all, hw much is appropriate for us to give for our jiemeis?
  2. D

    (2008) Brides of year 2008

    hi kristine.. i din update my multiply de..haha...but do u haf facebook?
  3. D

    (2008) Brides of year 2008

    hi Selena n Eelin... wow!! tis thread is moving super real fast!! haha!! my wedding dinner will be held at Amara Hotel.. i've 4 jiemeis n my hubby haf 6 or 7 brothers..cos 1 of his bro not cfm yet..hehe... i had my ROM last yr on 07072007 le..hehe so nw is actualli our part 2..haha!! hi...
  4. D

    (2008) Brides of year 2008

    hi eelin.. nice to meet u. my AD is also 30 Nov.. so hws all the preparation?? i'm still struggling to clear my work asap..haha!! where's ur wedding dinner held?
