Search results

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    <b>Where to get small wedding bears?</b>

    Where to get small wedding bears about 8cm tall?
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    (2012) 2012 Brides to be

    Hi all Anybody knows of a good tour agency to go to Melbourne &amp; Sydney?
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    (2012) 2012 Brides to be

    Just curious, what's GPCH that u guys r talking about?
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    (2012) 2012 Brides to be

    The table is great for reference!
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    (2012) 2012 Brides to be

    Sharon Do you have the website of Jaz* Bridal? I have googled but I don't seem to find their website. Only directions to get there. Hi all Anybody having a church wedding?
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    (2012) 2012 Brides to be

    magdalene Sure, I would like to join u guys in fb. My email is [email protected] Add me!
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    (2012) 2012 Brides to be

    Hi, I am new here. I am btb for 2012. Thinking of 24-Nov-2012. I saw many of you have started booking venues for ur dinner for 2012. Where are the places you all are booking?
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    Religion Differences

    I am a catholic, but didn't go through confirmation. My bf is a christian. Do I have to convert to become a christian? I would prefer to keep my faith. His mum don't allow him to convert to catholic.
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    Hi, Would like to know more pple.. I am 23. [email protected]
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    A Chatting Place-Introduce Yourself

    Hi, looking for some new friends.. I am 23, going on 24. [email protected]
