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    Ladies Out There (New thread) Here to Share

    haa...stupid pig!
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    Ladies Out There (New thread) Here to Share

    opss..Sorry lO!! kena shoot lioa?? haizzzz
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    Ladies Out There (New thread) Here to Share

    aiyo.. im dude from gathering 30's la.. Just saw this long post,all the gals chat with a guy then just come in join lo..
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    Ladies Out There (New thread) Here to Share

    lyn, so you address me as stupid pig la... then i cant join this grp rite..heee
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    Ladies Out There (New thread) Here to Share

    Opss..sound like no one reply me..
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    Ladies Out There (New thread) Here to Share

    Hi all, one guy chat with all girl leh..hee! jealous lioa.!! can i join in haaaa... can welcome me ar?
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    Gathering for 30s

    Hi dimpxtt,Ron,Celine,Evon Tan, Can add me in MSN at [email protected] ya.. Hope to hear more from you ya..
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    Ladies Out There (New thread) Here to Share

    Hi milk_powder, Emm..yes! should ask if any ladies interested to join us for next outing.. Hi Gals, You may go in "Gathering for 30s" thread to check it out..Our grp is expanding ya.. Anyway,can add me in msn at [email protected]
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    Gathering for 30s

    why no vico powder!! muahaa... So sigh86 select for Sizzler. Then how about others..
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    Gathering for 30s

    jajah, Makan should be okie lo Buffet session lo..Can makan and chat ma!! no more sing sing song lioa.. Muahhaaaa
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    Gathering for 30s

    Hi shrext & qwerty, You may add me in MSN at [email protected] Can chat there..Will ask jajah or eslynn copy you all if got outing ya.
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    Which matchmaking site is good

    hi milk powder, promote "gathering for 30+" thread ar..haaa!! Hi All, You join the "gathering for 30+" thread to know more ppl.. Last week went for gathering! Was nice outing ya.. We will organize 2nd outing for makan session lo.. can join lo!!
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    Gathering for 30s

    yes..Great lo! The place is not bad,but a lot of charges la.. Not worth it lo.. The price we pay can buy 2 drinks in Starbucks lo.haaa!!!
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    Gathering for 30s

    hey jajah, checking now lo! busy ya.. book a table under your name!
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    Gathering for 30s

    hey..sighh86, wont get lost la.. go to customer service counter ask lo! got directory for you to search ma.. haaaa!!
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    Gathering for 30s

    Hi sarah, Huan Ying Ni..haaa can ask jajah to add u ya.. She told me this thursday gathering wo u got msn can add me at [email protected] see u ya
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    Gathering for 30s

    Hi belinda and sighh86 added u too lo hee nice chat with u ya
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    Gathering for 30s

    Hi belinda and Deepblue, welcome to this thread lo.. Can add me in msn too at [email protected] ya i tried to add u ya.. Wah this grp getting bigger hope can meet all lol!!!
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    Gathering for 30s

    Haa... Ops..sorry lol!! Dont know others leh.. so far i just chat with you and winnie only.. Others not added me ma..
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    Gathering for 30s

    jajah, I told you lioa..Cant make it wo! too bad for me..haaa!!
