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  1. M


    haha... you made me remember sthg. the last time my husband went to san francisco abt 8 years ago with his guy friends, they survive on US10 per day eating only BK hotdogs for their breakfast, lunch and dinner. that's why he's no help to my budgeting process. hrms.. i hadn't thought abt...
  2. M


    hi M, i suppose this is a silly question to ask... but on a hunch, do you have any advice how much one is expected to spend per day in US? assuming we have decent food at cafes (not restaurants) for bf, lunch, dinners, public transportations (BART etc), minimal entertainment cos we already...
  3. M


    orh... shucks. read your post too late. i'm passing by detroit enroute to orlando instead. but will bear that in mind should i fly to US again. and yes, i'm going by northwest cos it's the cheapest!
  4. M


    wah, M.. thanks for all that! i'm gonna C&P and carry it around me when i go SF. it's gonna be my walking directory. and yah, you're right. we're not a wine fan so we'll probably skip the valleys. and i'm so definitely trying the cable car, streetcar etc. in fact i'm even thinking whether...
  5. M


    hi M, thanks for your info sharing. got a lot of valueable knowledge. i'm going to SF and Orlando next weekend! let's see, cos hubby having conference in orlando, i'll only have 5 days to tour orlando, 3 days to tour SF and then it's back to SG. for 3D in SF (Mon - Wed), we're...
  6. M

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    i will be going to the bridal studio to ask from them i guess. that we dunno yet. have to explore.
  7. M

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    ariel - i just went for facial yesterday. told her my wedding next sunday so dun squeeze too hard. ham ham - it's really nice! i have two boxes but no deco. if no time, i'll skip the deco i guess. :P
  8. M

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    rainie - thanks. will write down wat to do and set a timeline to them.
  9. M

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    omg. i'm stressed. only today it sank in that my wedding is next sunday!!! 10 days away! wat am i doing... my husband suddenly decides to rent jackets for his brothers. and i suddenly decide to buy wrist corsages for my sisters. and i'm thinking... arh..... is it possible to do so many things...
  10. M

    Merchant Court Swissotel

    hi jojo, i thought their minimum is 35? maybe lunch they can consider but dinner definitely not... hi kat - hope things all work out for you ultimately.
  11. M

    Disney World Orlando, Florida

    hi muzicgal, can you share with me your itinerary too? i'll be going down in oct/nov for honeymoon as my husband is going orlando for a conference. tagging along to enjoy. thanks in advance - [email protected] thanks@!
  12. M

    Merchant Court Swissotel

    hi sanz, i dun think i'll be the first to use the renovated ballroom. cos mine is the 8th month 6 day. think there should be couples getting married in the days before me.
  13. M

    Merchant Court Swissotel

    hi tiffany - thanks! but not resting as much as i want to cos my office doesn't seem to care that my wedding is coming soon! aiyoyo.... it's less than a month's time! anyway i had my food tasting recently and i really like the food and presentation. i only hope it remains the same for the...
  14. M

    USA - East Coast

    hi snowy, i'm going to florida in end oct - start nov. since there's no direct flight there, i'm thinking of doing a stopover and a tour too. where would you recommend? NY? also in florida, what can we do? do you still hvae your itinerary? can send me? thanks! [email protected]
  15. M

    Merchant Court Swissotel

    i'm a 07 bride too. the AD is a month away and i'm not done with my preps! at this point, i haven't even settled my invites rsvp etc. 2007 meguriai: 16 sep 2007 tiffany1612: 16 dec 2007 2008 malchan: 11 Oct 2008 zhuoen: 08 dec 2008
  16. M

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    hi jane, my AD on 16th sept. my GDL is on 11th agust. one month in advance to avoid the 7th month. i'm going chinatown later with my husband to buy the GDL stuff... wanna get as much settled earlier so i won't keep having so many unfinished things to do.
  17. M

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    i just sent out the wedding invites - ecards. only sending out the proper invite if they confirm attendance. as it is... seems like 16th is a hot date cos a few of my friends said they already have another invite that day and can't make it!
  18. M

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    me too! i've not done food tasting yet. will only do it on 18th aug. while i'm stressed, i guess it's fine cos it's the 7th month and i can't do anything then anyway so might as well go food tasting. :P
  19. M

    Chinese Character Engraving on Wedding Bands

    i can't remember cos i engraved my rings one year ago. but it's quite decent. definiately less than $10 per character... maybe abt $5?
  20. M

    Chinese Character Engraving on Wedding Bands

    there's a shop in cineleisure. the shop on the left of "more than words" on the 2nd floor. think it's something gallery - selling crystal or glassware or silver or something. i went in and there was an indian staff there. asked him if they do chinese ring engraving and shocked - they do!
