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  1. B

    Dating / marrying a Divorcee

    He called me last night but I missed it. I texted him this morning if he had called. He responded with a "Yup I did. Sandra (my good friend) called me to tell me to give you a call". I was like "Huh????" He went "Yup, Sandra." I totally called my friend up and WTH her. She had good...
  2. B

    Dating / marrying a Divorcee

    > doLL: HAHA yeah, I don't know I always think this are private stuff so it's better not to make it big and known. Well unless it's SUPER SUPER stable. Previously, when we went out, he was very adamant about making it public while I was the one who dodged and dodged that annoucement because...
  3. B

    Dating / marrying a Divorcee

    Hi Scope Guy, I think DoLL is offering her perspective as someone who once divorced before That helps a lot. Thanks for believing I'm not a bad lover-to-be..hahaha. As of now, I'll just continue focus with my career and completing those exams that I need to do. Focusing on what I have...
  4. B

    Dating / marrying a Divorcee

    > doLL: Thanks for the insight. At the initial stage, to be honest I kept wondering is it because I wasn't understanding enough. My divorced uncle told me - it's him, not you. He needs to sort himself out. So I guess...oh well. Nevermind, I'm sure there are better stuff out there eh? Thanks...
  5. B

    Dating / marrying a Divorcee

    Hi albee, Ah my mum said the same thing! :D I'm sure they make really good friends I guess I have to put it down...much as exterior wise I have...I think emotions wise, it will take a little while more I guess.... I think most pple wants to be loved la - but my mum always says for...
  6. B

    Dating / marrying a Divorcee

    HAHAHAHHA I think so too!! Okay maybe I put it in too drama a form - but to be honest, at the end of the day, i seriously only wants this person to be happy. I kid you not. And I'm not kidding about the part which night after night I have said out to that bunch of empty air out in the...
  7. B

    Dating / marrying a Divorcee

    > May Ong - he did commit to a stand when he turned around in February and that was why I agreed on the relationship. But he said when he went through his wardrobe the other day and came across his ex-wife's stuff, he asked himself is he ready to do it again. And that was my source of...
  8. B

    Dating / marrying a Divorcee

    > SM: Try Hyatt Singapore ;)
  9. B

    Dating / marrying a Divorcee

    No la not so extreme - in fact I think I gained a lot from being with him. Being introduced to new sports, new friends, new activities. I guess at this point - losing his presence in my life is the painful part. It's like besides a BF, you pretty much lose your soul mate and good friend...
  10. B

    Dating / marrying a Divorcee

    > SM: Ooo that was what he said too. Oh wellz, doesn't make much of a difference at this point of situation I guess > May Ong: Hey thanks sweetcake ;) Yeah I like to dissert things mentally - maybe that's why I do mucho better at work haha. I'm trying to drive down the mental bandwidth too...
  11. B

    Dating / marrying a Divorcee

    Yeah I guess, nothing much I can do either........ Probably spend some time dating myself too. Haha ;) To Albee - yeah I guess. Like the directors in my company - quite a bunch of them are divorced people. There are 2 groups - one adamant never to marry again, another group knows they want...
  12. B

    Dating / marrying a Divorcee

    HAHAHA nice one - guess I'm not that exceptional after all.
  13. B

    Dating / marrying a Divorcee

    e told me he can't date for marriage now..because at this point he just can't. When he thinks of marriage, he shudders. He looks back at the 4 yrs he shudders And the worst part was when he said "the day I can contemplate marriage again, trust me, I'll think of you" And I said in jest...
  14. B

    Dating / marrying a Divorcee

    Yeah I did mentioned in one of my posts that he probably did like me enough to make a move on me but doesn't love me enough to keep me in his options. Although his "the good thing is..2 yrs later I will still be around.." Left me vv vv wistful , I wish he could have just said I stopped...
  15. B

    Dating / marrying a Divorcee

    Wow how long have you been divorced? You know what? He actually said the same thing - he doesn't know in future if he will. Maybe that was why he told me to ask him again in 1-2 yrs time when things looks brighter for him. He told me I'll nv understand how it is like to go thru a divorce so...
  16. B

    Dating / marrying a Divorcee

    Hahahaha okokokok too green too little. Thanks for the tips then! And henceforth I shall go embark on the journey of de-greening myself!! Don't worry, i want to remain a great seed. >SM: Okokokok it's a boring story, I get it. LOL
  17. B

    Dating / marrying a Divorcee

    Aww come on, I'm not saying I'm going to be staying behind this computer and sulk for the rest of my life. I'm not an idealistic person - I don't know maybe in the midst of airy fairy, I understand that we live in the real world after all. Love is beautiful, but love has to be real too...
  18. B

    Dating / marrying a Divorcee

    Hello Scope Guy, I never knew people fell in love with the sake of falling in love. Interesting point of view. The last time I check, I'm not really into creating pain for myself ;) If I really am enjoying this love-hate story, I might actually be sitting down right outside his place every...
  19. B

    Dating / marrying a Divorcee

    Hi doLL, I don't know - it might be, it might not be. The most demanding request I could think of that I gave him was during his very busy period of time - I told him tongue in cheek: "You owe me proper couple time after you are done with being busy! =D" Other than that, I can't think...
  20. B

    Dating / marrying a Divorcee

    Hi Scope Guy, As what doLL mentioned earlier - I think we all need a break from each other. I know I want an open option to marriage and kids - at this age I really have no reason to be closing anything out. I know I still like him very much - when I realized I got assigned the biggest...
