Search results

  1. P

    Brand New wedding items to let go

    Hi, interested in car deco, still available? E-mail me at [email protected]
  2. P

    WTS - New Artificial Flower Petals

    Hi could you e-mail me at [email protected]. Am interested. Thanks!
  3. P

    Wts $8 ring pillow case

    still available? Can upload pic?
  4. P

    WTS duty paid martell vsop 700ml @ $70/bottle n chivas @$40/bottle/bottle

    interested in chivas. Please e-mail me at [email protected] Can fast deal!
  5. P

    Wolf Blass merlot red wine at $12 each + FREE wedding stickers & angpow worth $50

    Hi, please e-mail me at [email protected]. I am very interested! Thanks alot!
  6. P

    WTS: Wolf Blass merlot red wine at $12 each

    Hi, still available? Please email me at [email protected]. thanks!
  7. P

    A variety of wine for sale - $10 to $12 per bottle

    Hi still available? Could you please email me at [email protected] for both the 10 and 12 dollar bottles
  8. P

    WTS Bridal Package from La Belle Couture

    Hi I am interested. Please e-mail me at [email protected]
  9. P

    Post Wedding Sale

    Hi interested in your wines. Please e-mail me at [email protected]
