hi Gen
You live in SK good leh alway play at SK or Punggol but sometime alway short of 1 leh maybe can jio u next time. You got any YM or MSN to contact.
keke cos bz so never reply. No lah no kid yet but pregnant so tired easy. I play $0.5 $1.00 with bite but sometime play with friend $0.3 or $0.6 also so depend which group of friend i play with. I staying in SengKang so normally i play ard that area. Fast mean dun exceed 1 1/2 per round...
hi gals
Someone email me abt this thread is active again wow really very active but hor from what i see you gals playing marathon mj i cant play marathon MJ now cos no energy and strength. Normally now play with friend the max round i can play is 4 rounds and provided that the game is fast...
playing with my families member they dun bother to tell you bao what you got to look out yourself if you kena bao is your own fault but playing with friend we will tell each other wat we bao.
MJ is a game with alot of rules. different rules playing with different ppl so there is no right or wrong. So to play safe check with the rest wat is the rule 1st.