Search results

  1. H

    Recommendation ROM dresses

    I’m letting go of some if you’re interested!
  2. H

    WTS ROM/ solemnisation/ prewedding shoot dresses

    Some are brand new and some only worn for 2 hours. In very good condition! Dress 1: love bonito white maxi dress, size M. Worn only 2 hours ($50) Dress 2: thevelvet dolls white maxi, size M, worn only 2 hours ($30) Dress 3: brand new, size M ($30)
  3. H

    WTS: Alisha and Lace Package

    Yes one white one evening. Still available.
  4. H

    WTS: Alisha and Lace Package

    2 gowns 1 suit Father’s suit at additional $100 each @$1288 PM me for more details
  5. H

    Reviews on 1-host

    Anyone has experience with 1-host for summerhouse? Coordinator seems uninterested and so slow in replies! Wondering I should still stick with them.
  6. H

    Looking for actual day lunch PG

    Would appreciate any recommendations for actual day PG, below 2k. TIA!
  7. H

    Suit rental for fathers and MUA

    Alright will check it out. Thanks!
  8. H

    Suit rental for fathers and MUA

    Ok! Is this for MUA?
  9. H

    Suit rental for fathers and MUA

    Hello! any recommendations for - suit rental for fathers? - MUA for bride and mums
  10. H

    Fetch the bride

    Okay! Thanks :)
  11. H

    My Dream Wedding package let go at discounted rate

    Hi can pm if still available? Thanks!
  12. H


    Hi interested too. Can pm?
  13. H

    WTS: Rico-A-Mona Wedding Package

    Hey! Able to just take the actual day w MUA& flowers?
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    Thomson Wedding Collection BTB

    Hi I’m interested too! Can pm?
  15. H

    Actual Day Package

    hello! Which company is this from?
  16. H

    WTS - AD Whitelink Bridal Package

    Hi! Can pm the price? Also are they flexible with changing some of the items on package?
  17. H

    Fetch the bride

    hi everyone! What do you guys think about fetching bride from hotel? ROM and Reception will not be done in that hotel though.. will be going to another venue for solemnization and reception. Will this arrangement be weird?
  18. H

    Vineyard Package to let go

    Still available?
