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  1. N

    (2011/09) SEPT BTB

    Wow..thank you ladies for all the warmest welcomes!and also thank you for all the suggestions!will be discussing with HTB may: Thank you may!here's my email add- you can send to [email protected] Really many places to consider..hmm..looking for a place where there's beautiful...
  2. N

    (2011/02) Feb 2011 BTB

    Hi everyone!Nice to meet all the February Brides here! I'm also a BTB for year 2011.My ROM is on the February...Still deciding on the AD but will most likely be in Sept! Planning for an outdoor solemnisation..anyone have any place to recommend?
  3. N

    (2011/09) SEPT BTB

    Hi everyone!Nice to meet all of you! I'm also a BTB for year 2011..most likely is Sept..Our parents still choosing the dates in sept for AD.. my ROM is Feb 2011.. Planning to hold an outdoor solemnisation.. any places to reccommend?
