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  1. Z

    Anyone tried Osim ISqueez?

    kmich, i-squeeze cost $588 u can pay in installment if u want.. dun worry about the sales staff they do not hard sell their products. i went to try the i-squeeze a few times already but the staff r not pushy..
  2. Z

    Constipation (Anyone has any help)

    i suffered from constipation last time,..i went to see dr and she told me to eat yoghurt it will make the feaces softer thus easier to come out.. i follow her advise and it works for me in addition it is good for skin.. a plus point
  3. Z

    Anyone tried Osim ISqueez?

    i tried at the osim shop, i agree with queenster it is really painful. the first time i tried, i immediately lift up my legs bcos the squeezing part is quite painful. my hubby bought the i-twin 2 years ago, i find this better than the i-squeeze..
