Search results

  1. T

    Any good lightings shops to recommend?

    Hi, Can anyone share your experienced buying lights from Crown Lightings and National Electrical Traders (2 shops away from A Lighting) as I am not very sure of their reputation. Thank you.
  2. T

    Any recommendation for solemnizer (Chinese speaking)?

    Hi, Will appreciate if anyone can recommend a few mandarin specking JP other than Mr Chan just in case he is not available? Thanks in advance.
  3. T

    Any popular JPs to recommend???

    Hi, I will be having my solemnisation on 5th Oct. From the forum, Mr Chan Kai Yau is the most recommended. May I know who else can I approach if he is not available? Thanks in advance.
  4. T

    Any recommendations for wedding bands?

    Hi, wat we did was that we just walk into the shops and ask for wedding bands. The ppl there will start to recommend. Most impt! Don rush into buying. Survey at all available shops. Look at their designs and ask for brochures as well as any promo ongoing/upcoming. Write down the price of the...
