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  1. R

    Is LWT renovation company good?

    replace * with W I purchased the renovation package from L*T Design Pte Ltd - Jurong East branch from a indian lady, M. The renovation of my flat was completed in Sep 2009. In Mar 2010, that is within 6 months from the renovation completion, the kitchen wall tiles started to crack from floor...
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    My 17k dream flat come true...

    hi yoyo.. can you email/pm me ur contractor as well? my email is [email protected] tks..
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    Any New Outdoor Wedding Venues?

    Hi YanLing, I'm interested. Can you send me some pics of Wedding at Hortpark? [email protected]
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    Master David Tong's Advice Corner (Geomancy and Fengshui)

    Hi Master David Tong, Thanks for the advice. So is it the full month celebration to avoid or i cannot see them until 3 month after my wedding? Because they might be doing their confinement in my house so its rather hard to avoid unless i move out. And also, it's fine for them to...
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    Master David Tong's Advice Corner (Geomancy and Fengshui)

    Hi Master David Tong, Please advice on the below if possible. Thanks. My selected wedding day is 30 Sep 2009.Is it true that we must avoid attending other's wedding, funeral, full month etc. a few months before and after my wedding? If so, what is the duration? Is this aplicable for...
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    RELC Hotel, Tang Court Restaurant

    hi gals, Looks like everyone is happy with their Tang court booking. i am intending to book tang court for my banquet. Any idea what i can perks or additional stuffs i can negiotiate for? Thanks.
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    Hi... Anyone wanna get shapier legs or flatter tummy? About 90% women have cellulites problems, and slim women can have cellulites too... I have a slimming centre package to let go at real good deal. This treatment know as Sub-dermal, is a vacuum treatment, based on the principle by creating...
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    Any fast ways to reduce weight within 2mths time?

    Hi... Anyone wanna get shapier legs or flatter tummy? About 90% women have cellulites problems, and slim women can have cellulites too... I have a slimming centre package to let go at real good deal. This treatment know as Sub-dermal, is a vacuum treatment, based on the principle by creating...
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    Grand Plaza Parkyroyal Solemnisation

    hi all, can anyone send me the ROM at Indulge? I'm ROMing next month and i haven't decided on the venue... 'time running short'..... thanks! [email protected]
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    Advice on overseas PS and bridal package

    hi poseidon gal, that tw bridal shop at the roadshow is very high end one... the sales girl told me their shop is like "LV" in taiwan. She say photoshoot packages starts frm $3000++. Actually i went through a lot of taiwan bridal shop websites and their package is really cheap n good...
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    Any hotels with outdoor ROM???

    hi Ron & Julie (rjwedding) , can i also share your pics n more info for your ROM?? Tks [email protected]
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    Any Good Driving Instructors to recommend?

    hi all, my dad is a pte driving instructor at bukit batok area.. My sis, bro and i all passsed the test 1st time. Most of my cousins and friends also passed the the first try or 2nd try. If anyone wans to learn driving, can email me at [email protected] for more details. He can...
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    Aloha changi cottage

    Hihi Chriszwendy and Vee, Can you share with me ur wedding pics at the Changi fairy point 7.... and also the contacts for the tentage/deco/food too!! Its definitely my dream wedding venue.... I dun intend to hold wedding banquet... so going to hold my solemization cum dinner there all...
