Search results

  1. G

    WTS: Bridal Gown & Evening Gown (Good deal)

    Hi there, I am looking for cheongsum. Can u send me photo of your cheongsum? My email add is [email protected]. Thanks
  2. G

    WTS: Z Weddin Package

    Hi Jackie, Have sent you an email reply. Wonder you have seen in?
  3. G

    WTS: Bridal Gown & Evening Gown (Good deal)

    Hi there, still available? Can email me the photos? My email add is [email protected]
  4. G

    WTS: Bridal Gown & Evening Gown (Good deal)

    Hi there, if the pieces are still available, do send me the photos for consideration. Thank
  5. G

    WTS: Z Weddin Package

    Hi Jackie, Don't seem to be able to pm you. Would appreciate if you could send me information on your package.My email add is [email protected]. Thanks
  6. G

    WTS: Bridal Gown & Evening Gown (Good deal)

    Would appreciate if you could send me a photo of the two gowns. My email add is [email protected]
