Search results

  1. D

    (2006) Brides of year 2006 wedding is on 30th of just to ask is it early to send out invitation cards at end of this mth? coz i know alot of people will go for holiday. thn do i need to confirm attendance again b4 2weeks of my wedding? do u hve any recommendation for wedding songs? i m still headache on...
  2. D

    Anyone has BE MY GUEST?

    Hi Jenn can you send the song "be my guest" to me? i intend to use it for the dish walk in. [email protected] thks alot
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    "You are so beautiful"

    Hi, Shirley will you mind share this song to me? my email is [email protected]
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    Speech by bride/groom

    can anyone please share with me a copy too?
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    Any sample wedding speech for the big day

    Hi Winnie, Can you share with me your Thank You and Emcee speech pls? My email is [email protected] Thanks!
  6. D

    "One boy, One Girl" - Collin Rave

    hi..can i request for the song too? thks alot.. [email protected]
