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    Any Night Owl here? What do you do?

    Tee Boone; haha. thats a funny ans I think for me, I'll just surf net, listening to nice music or enjoy a good book
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    Where to buy white feathers?

    How about Spotlight?
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    1st Dance during Wedding dinner anyone?

    Any recommend on what to wear during the dance? Cause WG is alrdy hard to walk, whats more for daning.
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    Any nice local places to recommend for outdoor photography?

    Hi jacasser,you manage to know the place?
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    Anyone have recommendation for wedding cupcakes?~~

    My friend had cupcake at their ROM. Very pretty and nice. As her venue is at country club, therefore her cupcakes is a garden theme, got lady bug, butterfly etc.
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    Republic of Sg Yacht Club RSYC

    Hi Sylvia Lin Foong Yee, Please email me [email protected]
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    Will you attend your friend's wedding dinner 2 months apart from yours?

    Oo.. My best friend and my wedding dates' are just 1 week apart, But we have already decided to go for each other wedding cause we're really very close and want to be there to give each other our blessing So I guess its up to how you want to see it. hee
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    7th month for Outdoor Photography..?

    hmmm... 080808 is a nice date to get marry but sadly it falls in the mth of 7th mth
