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  1. S

    Oversea Photoshoot

    How much was the package? I'm a little worried the wedding gown don have my size, XL worr..
  2. S

    Any cheeky/ funky wedding vows to share?

    Can post the standard vow in the forum? Creative wedding vows please.. If confidential then email me.. [email protected]
  3. S

    Any cheeky/ funky wedding vows to share?

    I will be ROM in June 2009. Just asking whether anyone came up with your own wedding vows to use during ROM? Please share. Anyone got the standard vows to start with? I heard got 2 versions of the standard vows.
  4. S

    (2009/06) ROM in June 2009

    Hi Ladies, My ROM date is 26 June 2009 at Noble House. JP is Dr Lim Lan Yuan. He give prompt replies. Consent form already signed. Actually, I feel there is really no need to look for "popular" JPs who are already so busy packed with somenisation appointments. Anyone on the list also can...
  5. S

    Where to buy birdcage for rings?

    I ordered my birdcage from Lovedroplet yesterday. I met up with her yesterday and she showed me a while trolley of birdcages. Jac is also doing the decorations for my soleminsation table too. Very importantly she is working within my budget.
