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    MAsk for Blackheads

    Hi Joey, extractions mean use something to take out the blackheads. (disadvantages: will make the pores big) amy
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    MAsk for Blackheads

    Hi rabbitwsk, I used the skin softener serum refer to my other thread. No need to steam (so troublesome). put on the affected area. The dirt like blackheads and oil come out automatically. very effective also amy
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    Facial at "Modern Beauty"

    Hi all, Lucky read all the threads, recently just rec'd a promotion cataloges from MB. S$30.00 for massage n S$28.00 for the refreshing facial etc. tempered to try. amy
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    Constipation (Anyone has any help)

    Hi all, my recommendation is drink the plum juice. Sure help one. let's try.
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    Anyone gone for laser treatment for big pores?

    Hi all, Now having a new scare treatment called "vital-plus" from Italy. No need go under IPL. Does somebody hear that. amy
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    Hi D.O.G What is yr email address, I would like to send you some useful info. amy
