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  1. L

    Something to report

    Thks Chin Leng
  2. L

    Something to report

    Hi Chin Leng Lots of the discussion threads under Motherhoods & Pregnancies are missing... Could you pls check? Thks!
  3. L

    How To's?

    Thks Chin Leng..
  4. L

    How To's?

    Hi Chin Leng I am just it possible to change the forum topic? We are now combining the Feb & Mar 05 Mums-to-be & would like to know if can change the topic name from "Feb 2005 Mom to be" to "Feb/Mar 2005 Mom to be" instead so that Mar05 mummies can know where to find...
  5. L

    Where to get bean bag?

    Hi All You can get the beans at Bean Bags Mart at Eastpoint..I am not sure abt other place.. cheers!
  6. L

    Where to get bean bag?

    Hi sweetiepie... that's a very good deal you got! Are they adult size? I bought mine at $135..
  7. L

    Where to get bean bag?

    Hi All There is another thread asking abt the same topic..I just bought one (scacco adult) from Bean Bags Mart at Eastpoint at $135. Is tailor made is $150.. Here's their website. cheers!
  8. L

    Any JP or GL for recommendations

    Hi fond, extracted from ROM website: The earliest date which you may solemnize your marriage is 21 days after the date of notice (excluding the day on which you file the notice). For example, if you file your notice on 30 January, the earliest date which you may solemnize your marriage is...
  9. L

    Any JP or GL for recommendations

    Hi All I also had David Loh for my ROM last August after reading good comments on his service from the postings here. Haahaaaa..I called him in Feb to book actually..very kiasu hor?? Since Dec is really a hot month for marriage, I think HP, you can call him lar...i am sure he is okay. But...
  10. L

    Any Emcee Speech to Share?

    Hi hotcakes Can I have a copy of both versions? My email [email protected] zillion thks!
  11. L

    Duties of Ah Yees & Brothers on Wedding Day?

    Hi orchid Can you pls email to me too? Thks! [email protected]
  12. L

    Anyone ever done E-filling?

    hi tigerlily u mean I need to collect the certs later??at the ROM? I thought the cert is ready when we sign in front of the JP/grassroot leaders?
  13. L

    Anyone ever done E-filling?

    hi...I am going to do e-file next meet the 3 months timeframe. I have decided to have the ROM outside the buidling thus not sure if I still have to go down to the ROM office to do verification before the actual ceremony day? Or the grassroot leader/JP performing our ceremony can...
  14. L

    A Venue for ROM ?

    Hi all Can anyone send me the list for the JP?? I am also thinking to hold my ROM outside the premises. my email add:[email protected] cheers
  15. L

    Affordable Toilet Bowls, Basins, Taps & Accessories

    thks TK.. Do they do the installation as well??
  16. L

    Affordable Toilet Bowls, Basins, Taps & Accessories

    Hi Jo Thks... anyone have other lobang???
  17. L

    Affordable Toilet Bowls, Basins, Taps & Accessories

    Hi pausini nope..that's the problem..I do not need to do any reno at all except changing the two toilet bowls.. Been calling some reno contractors too..but they really charge pretty high for just having the toilet bowls plus installation...$800+++
  18. L

    Affordable Toilet Bowls, Basins, Taps & Accessories

    Hi I am also shopping around for toilet bowls... I have called up few shops but apparently most of them do not do the installation.... Anyone have lobang for cheap contractors to do the installation? or any shops that sell & install?
  19. L

    Malaysia wedding

    okie going up to penang soon..will check it out..if RM150, quite reasonable lar.. anyway,thks...
  20. L

    Malaysia wedding

    Hi cher u mean there is a salon located inside the hotel? okay, will check it out..u know agak how much she charged for hairdo & makeup? cheers
